Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What is this blog?

I got really into blogging while in Germany.  But sometimes I wanted to blog about things other then Germany...about politics, religion, life, etc.  So this blog is a less restricted continuation of my Germany blog (click HERE to see my Germany blog).

What you can expect to find in this blog:
1. Stories and pictures from my life, adventures, travels and friends.
2. What I think of the latest world events, politics, religion, the latest technology, etc.
3. Whatever God has been telling me, verses He has used to speak to me, things I have seen Him doing, etc.

I named this blog "Experience the World".  I went back and forth on what to name it.  I ended with Experience the World because that is what this blog is about, experiencing the world and everything in it.

I am not quite ready to get this blog started, I am still using my Germany blog.  I fly back to The States in a week, and a couple of weeks after that I will start using this blog.  For now just sit back, check out my Germany blog, and get excited for what is to come here!

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